Recently Updated Pages
Installing Debian/Ubuntu & Then Disk Unmounts - Debootstrap Error
You're here because you've landed yourself at the error below, stating that it could not find the...
Moving Files & Folders Around The Container
Pterodactyl does not have documentation on moving files and folders around the container you are ...
Being An Owner Of A Server & How To Change
In Pterodactyl, you may notice that servers are owned by you or another individual, such as one o...
Inviting Additional Staff Members To Your Control Panel
For additional staff such as Developers and Administrators, you can invite them to each server wi...
Updating CPU, Disk, RAM & Startup Parameters For A Container
Updating values for your containers so they have more CPU for starting up or running, more RAM fo...
Adding New Games & Services To Pterodactyl With Nests
Go to your panel and head to the admin side. Click "Nests" bottom left. You will see the fo...
Adding A Server To Your Proxy
When using BungeeCord or Velocity, you will need to connect your internal servers to your Proxy s...
Configuring A Standalone Plugin To Access A MySQL/MariaDB Database
Plugins such as CoreProtect, GadgetsMenu and more ideally should have their information stored in...
Changing Docker Containers Images For Your Servers
Pterodactyl runs all servers in containers using software called Docker. Docker uses a system cal...
Problems With Plugins Accessing Databases
If you get an error like the below with your plugins connecting to databases: Remember, all plug...
Using Schedules On The Panel For Restarts & Events
Head to your panel and click on the server that you need to make the schedule for then click on t...
IP Aliasing On Your Panel For Staff Members
If you run a Minecraft network where you have additional staff such as moderators, administrators...
Creating A New Server Container On The Panel
To make a new server, you first need to make the allocation for it if you haven't already. Read t...
Configuring Centralised Plugins For Linked Database Access
Plugins such as LiteBans and LuckPerms need to use the same database to communicate their informa...
Adding Additional Ports To Your Pterodactyl Nodes
Head over to your Pterodactyl panel and go to the admin side which is the button in the top right...
Subuser Account Invitation For OVH
Head over to your OVH domain where you have purchased your server from. Make sure you use the r...
Buying New Hardware - The Cautious Warning
All that we request is that please take our advice on this page seriously, as we have had many cl...
Providing A Service - Why Do We Need Such Information?
For us to provide a service, we ask for information which you might disagree with or have a lack ...
Dealing With Drama - The Undeniable Fuel Of Life
As a reminder to any member who talks to any member in our Discord lounge, no matter their role, ...
SurfHosting - ⭐
We have updated our terms of service to remove SurfHosting as a hosting provider for client suppo...